Monday, November 10, 2008

end of semester blues

started this morning aware that i had not accomplished nearly as much as i should have for the rest of the week to be as restful as i would like, but was determined not to feel bad in light of the opportunity to spend time with friends.  classes were normal, although a comment made during directing sent me into rage that overshadowed the rest of the day.  dinner with mike yankoski (author of "Under the Overpass") was just what i expected (again, i fulfilled my role of "that girl who talks a lot", though i think it helped us as a group get away from that awkward, "no one knows what to say because we're strangers and you're here for this one purpose of talking about your book, which is kinda professional, but we want to connect too, which is kinda personal, so why is this so forced" conversation), then off to forensics late where the pressure was just added on, then MeTV script writing, then mini-breakdown in front of the suities.  oh, the end of the semester drag...

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