Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm sure that it's a phase, but i'm also sure that i never want to forget this feeling

Being back at work means that once again I'm on the schedule for every Sunday, so I got up early and left Meredith to sleep in.  After work, I fulfilled my Ben obligation by driving up to Windham, and then drove (got lost TWICE) to Hudson for Nate's bonfire with Meredith, Paul, Justin, and Ruthie.

There's something strange about the group, that we've been drawn closer and closer together with each other, and there's an intrinsic displacement whenever just one of us isn't able to attend.  We're different, yet feel complete with one another?  Maybe I'm just idealistic, and trapped in the honeymoon phase of the friendships.  But it's nice whenever people ask for me, tell me it's essential that i'm there, support me, care with me...

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