Tuesday, September 1, 2009

a day

7--wake and begin the daunting task of packing.
9--blog about my distaste of packing.
10--leave for Malone. Car almost overheats.
10:30--thesis meeting, where conversation was sporadic and rich and enough to make me more than a little reluctant about leaving so many of my favorite people/profs/friends.
11:30--run into a ridiculous amount of technical difficulties surrounding my reelate project, including a non-responsive hard-drive, a corrupted hard-drive, an unbalanced computer, a camera that won't ground, a program that won't capture, and audio that sucks.
12:30--actually start capturing video.
1:30--leave for lunch, leaving the camera to record background music of the same genre that plays in Deloris's store.
2--return, and continue editing.
2:30--mildly panic about the excess in length of my reelate film, track Andrew down, and whine about my stuck-ness. Receive a promise of a view and advice. Return to the editing suite.
3:30--run to the mall to pick up socks and dress pants.
4:30--hang out in Connie's room and get an awesome going-away gift.
5:30--show Andrew my reelate film, receive brutal cutting suggestions. Continue editing.
7--Malone Media informational meeting. Follow-up with more reelate discussion, some funny anecdotes, and a surprise turn up from Nate and Meredith.
8:30--show reelate to Nate and Meredith. Get told it's boring. Feel deflated for the remainder of the evening.
10--leave for home, afraid to stay out too late with a dying vehicle.
11--picked up by Meredith to go to Muggswigz.
12--return home to continue the daunting task of packing.

Overall, feel appreciative of some people's modification of normal interactions to indulge these last few days, and resent the refusal of some people to acknowledge the emotions that accompany it.

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