Saturday, May 2, 2009

Not a very good update...

have been incredibly busy because of finals and such.  don't remember the last 2 weeks enough to go through and do a day-by-day.  here are some highlights:

I have fully integrated myself with Chris and Meredith (and sometimes Nate and Stephen and Paul).  So much so that I have often made horrible homework decisions and socialized too much so that I'm constantly trying to do late-night homework and failing miserably and getting good sleep.  This is the first time I've had to battle with a social life.

The film fest happened (4.24.09).  It was amazing.  Despite a minor, stress-induced fit over the films line-up, I felt honored and humbled to have such a well-received reaction to my film.  We won: best actress, best cinematographer, best supporting actress, best screenplay, best director, and best film.  What a night! (visit or for more info!)

Interviewed another candidate for the open position in the commarts department.

finished classes.

pulled an all-nighter in order to: grade blogs, write a rubric for media systems analysis, write part of my prospectus. 

Finished a pretty awesome final project for photography on no sleep. 

Finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front, and stayed up all night again studying for my chemistry exam.

Did badly on the chemistry exam.

Asked for my very first paper extension, ever.

Slept all day instead of working on my history paper.

Started to panic about the immense amount of work that still needs to be finished before I move out for summer...

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