Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Last Day of the Semester

I dallied packing, went down to the comm department to "work" on the webpage, to the opposition of Andrew who declared that I should be writing my prospectus!  After a brief, encouraging phone call about my work so far, I decided that if I truly want to be satisfied with this project, I should take an incomplete.  My first ever--and seeing the "I" on the grade report is unnerving and foreign.

In the evening, after a trip to Denny's, Meredith tried to remedy the reemergence of suppressed feelings by taking me to Geisenhaus with Chris and Alex for a Cinco de Mayo celebration.  I wish I had committed to joining their group earlier.  I'm glad that I didn't leave this semester.  I wish the summer could include more certainty about these new, fragile friendships.

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