Sunday, February 1, 2009

A reaffirmation of the value of cinema

I actually woke and rolled out of bed before ten o'clock on my first weekend off work, and then began to: read "Emperor of China" and write the summary for two sections, write my review of Slumdog for the aviso, write my responses for the chem lab on carbon dioxide generation (by decomposing sodium bicarbonate mixed with hydrochloric acid, of course), and continue reading the ever increasing amount of blog entries for MMS.  When the suities wanted to go to Muggs later in the evening, I read an implication that they didn't want me along.  I began to feel left out, alone, and depressed by the choices I have made to follow academics with more severity than my friendships.  Watching The Lives of Others did little to uplift those feelings, but the experience was worth all the more because of it.

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