Sunday, March 15, 2009

Paramount Pictures

It's always great to have nationals out in LA where there are tons of Malone alumni, because then the team gets to do awesomely fun things like take a free two-hour tour of Paramount Pictures.  Jake Thomas showed us around sound stages, sets, and even brought us to where they were filming an episode of Nip/Tuck. 

It felt amazing to actually be standing where they filmed The Graduate, Citizen Kane, Vertigo, Rear Window, It Happened One Night, Happy Days, Benjamin Button, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Monk, ...

We went to Santa Monica pier, ate cake at Gladstone's, saw part of America's Next Top Model being filmed...

For a second, I questioned whether I had made the right decision to study at Oxford instead of LAFSC.

But I think I'm content to keep my wonder and amazement of Hollywood, which would surely fade if I actually lived here.

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