Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I've never been very good.

felt like i had an eternity in the morning without chapel or immediate demands for my classes. in the afternoon, all the time i thought i had to devote to various projects was slowly ripped away as I was forced to recognize other commitments. Realized that I am really bad at flirting, which gave me something to think about through the afternoon that I spent in the photo lab, attempting to make worthwhile prints, but ultimately wasted most of my time confused. Finished one of the three prints I need done by Tuesday. Went reluctantly to ME-TV, though taping was short, sweet, and to-the-point. The production meeting that followed was overall encouraging, giving me renewed fervor for the program: a feeling I haven't felt since freshman year. Watched Stagecoach with two members from my HATOF class, took notes, but didn't have as many insightful observations as I did on the last film. Was up late doing work for Friday to try and free up time for planning weekend projects so that next week won't be hell. I've never been very good at planning ahead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What made you come to believe you're bad at flirting?