Thursday, January 24, 2008


I've been harboring ideas again, and not writing them down when I think them. (This is me reprimanding myself.) Consequently, a few things that I've wanted to remember are gone. Hopefully just for the time being.

Anyway, this is just something I want to remember. Mallory and Annaliese went to an art show the other night and had a rather amusing encounter with a mutual friend's mother. It would also be HILARIOUS to see in a movie.

Okay, so Mallory and Annaliese are in the elevator, leaving the show. And the woman starts coming towards them, so they hold the door for her. She approaches them and says, very slowly and eccentrically, "Ladies, take it from a woman who has lived through the sixties....and the can always dress cheesy. But never, ever let easy."

Both, struggling to find the right response, give a very sincere "thank you."


She looks at them and screams, "it's a joke!"

"Oh! ha! ha?"

She walks away, then turns back around and shouts, "To the cheese man!"

The elevator doors close over Mallory and Annaliese's stricken faces.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wading. Rushing. Fighting.

my mind is not a cesspool of new and innovative ideas.

my mind is a domain for brief, fleeting ideas that come and go as often as the wind.

when I finally find a good one, it's most often gone before I get to dwell on it.

hopefully this blog will help me grasp onto those thoughts, tame them, hone them, develop them into something better--or worse--than they are.

if nothing else, at least they won't be forgotten.


I want to make artwork of the burning bush.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

my heart beats so that i can hardly speak

The bit the other day about forensics got me thinking about heaven and the common interpretations. The categorical representation usually includes halos, white robes, and big, fluffy clouds.

But what if heaven looks more like, I dunno, a chill bar scene? Or a classroom? Or a forensics match? Maybe heaven is different for each person.

I think those images would be great to explore. Literally ask people their idea of heaven and make it for them (not heaven, of course....just the picture).


This image came to me walking in the rain the other day. As a friend and I walked past the glass walls of the Akron library, we saw our reflection walking beside us. Glancing at our feet in the windows, there was another reflection of our legs in the rain on the sidewalk. Up, down, glide, connect. Up-down-glide-connect. It was really cool. (how's that for a juvenile and anti-climactic description?)

What struck me is an image of myself holding myself up. As if with every step I took, there was another just like me walking (upside down, of course) with me. And we were mutually dependent on each other.

What would happen if that person wasn't there anymore? What if I went to take a step, and instead of placing my foot on solid ground, I fell through and came face-to-face with my other self, wounded and unable to support me?

The only way to walk is to carefully watch and make sure the other is placing their foot with as much precision as I am.

It could be a look into the importance of self-reliance or something, too. Although i don't know how much I believe that living well consists of being utterly confident in myself. Where would be the need for God?

Ah, well. It's an image that intrigued me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Rough transcript of a conversation that happened earlier today, that Ann so nicely requested I post online so it's 'published.'

Mallory: I wish all of our conversations were transcribed so that then we could read them later and use them for forensics pieces.
Alyssa: Well, we'll get to read them all in the book of life.
M: And there's forensics in heaven?
A: Of course. It's heaven.
M: Although, I wouldn't want to go up against Gabriel, the messenger of God.
A: Right. "Oh no! Gabriel's in my next round! And Jesus is judging!!"

[time elapses]

A: Although, Paul's in my round after that, and we know he's not all that hot.
M: Right! I mean, his letters are so big they hardly fit in his book! And Peter's always speaking in tongues.
A: And that only works in program.

Wading. Rushing. Fighting.

This is my ideas blog.

Broad enough, yes?

I was originally going to limit it solely to ideas of film-making, but what I think I'll do is just put thoughts on here that I don't want to forget, that I want to reflect on later, or that are just plain fun.

So I wrote a little blurb to myself about what this blog was. Here's what I came up with:

wading through a current of rushing thoughts, fighting to take hold.

wading, rushing, fighting.

more on this later.