Monday, September 29, 2008

a long list of events

was up and down all day, never landing on one emotion for longer than an hour. made two short films of realist and formalist nature in hatof with stephen, chris, rick, and cory. they accepted many of my ideas, which made me feel a little more validated in my attempts to join this relatively unfamiliar affinity group. worked for the comm department today, though i didn't get much done (two very well formed paragraphs!....). i'm happy that my current employer values me as a person enough to worry about the amount of hours i'm working at dakota, but his insistence that i step away fills me with certainty that i am a push-over who will always want whatever it is that makes other people happy. two members of the forensics team decided to drop their commitments, which leaves me under loads of pressure and unsure of whether this is really the best place for me. the evening was spent deciphering relational dialectics.

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