Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the universe sent me a surprise

A palm reader from Ireland picked me out of the crowd and insisted that I let her do a reading for me (for only half the price!), and led me down the basement of Plant Et Art where she "cleansed the essence" of her former subject with sage and prayer before allowing me to sit and hand over my palms.  Things I learned from this reading:

I have an old soul. 
I was a temptress in a former life.
This life is moving slowly.
I'm brave, I've just forgotten it.
I shouldn't sleep with anyone, because she sees a child within the next year.
I'm fertile and will have lots of babies.
I'll always make money.
I have to move.
California.  I need to go to CA.
I need to trust in my art.  It will provide.
I'm a born survivor and people need me and my art.
I need not let anyone stifle the vibrant light within me.
I'm very spiritually in sync.
I need to trust in myself.
More than anything, I need to move West.

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